Monday, November 21, 2011

Catch up

It has been much to long since my last post, so I have a few things to catch up on.
We had a really fun Halloween that we spent in Wyoming with family. Austin went trick or treating with his cousins, he was a mountain man. Ava was a strawberry and she spent all of 1 hour in her costume before she crashed for the night.

       Ava now has a special brace that was made just for her. It has a hinge at the knee that allows her to bend and kick her knee, but has constant pressure pulling it back to the bent position. She only has to wear it at night now, the doctors want her using her knee and building the muscles during the day, this also gives us the chance to play with it more and bend it more. I would post a pic of it right now, but I have currently misplaced it, so next time!

We are excited to begin this holiday season with all our friends and family. Here is hoping that our Christmas gift with be a fully bent knee, we sure work at it each day!