Friday, May 25, 2012

9 Months

     We went in to see Dr. Santora for Ava's 9 month follow up this month. She is doing great, and they are thrilled with her progress. They were just as excited as we were to see her crawl and pulling up. She is now completely off her brace, so it is up to her and her little body how she continues to develop. We still try to stretch her out, but not as regularly as we were....try getting her to sit still for 5 minutes! They took an x-ray of her leg to see how her bones are doing, and they gave me a copy.
This is the x-ray from our very first visit, when she was 2 weeks old (so little) You can see that her bones are all developed correct, it is just the knee joint that was messed up, this is why they say it must have just developed this way from being pulled up around her neck by the cord. We needed to get the leg bending the other way, and the joints to line up.

This is her cute little leg today! Bones are lined up nicely, and her joints are almost completely together (I have no idea how close they are supposed to be) Doctors are so proud of her progress!!

She has come so far since that first scary day in Shriner's and we couldn't be more grateful for all they did for us! Truly an AMAZING hospital!!!!

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